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Member Since 30 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2013 09:13 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: ||||||||||||||| SixtyGig player tracker for April 2013 |||||||||||||||

07 April 2013 - 06:50 AM


In Topic: ||||||||||||||| SixtyGig player tracker for March 2013 |||||||||||||||

20 March 2013 - 08:36 PM

I am here off and on

In Topic: ||||||||||||||| SixtyGig player tracker for January 2013 |||||||||||||||

06 January 2013 - 07:28 PM

I am here but can not update because of some the ones that have posted had viruses in them and I quit downloading and I am not as computer smarts as a lot of ppl in this game and don't know how to do it. but I am working on it.

In Topic: ||||||||||||||| SixtyGig player tracker for November 2012 |||||||||||||||

02 November 2012 - 04:59 AM

here, just been busy!

In Topic: Freebuild Border Rules.

10 September 2012 - 05:01 PM

So the rules have changed again, I see.

I did what you said Ray about the fencing and I don't have any back fencing so people may go thru. Now I have to tear down and lay redstone, instead of just moving my stuff and build.

You said under the fencing post that it was better than cobble and as long as we had a gate that was marked (which I did) we were ok.

So am I being punished due to one person complaining?

The reality is everyone misconstrued the original idea for claiming land in the first place. People were under the impression that they could take as much as they wanted within reason. The idea was to take as much as you need within reason.

The land claims were not so people could make their own mini-zones, they were so you could reserve space for a single building, build it, then move on to claim another plot for another building.

but, I tried to work around that when people started to claim large areas since I apparently wasn't very clear, but it's causing way too many problems and complaining about everything.

So, I'm putting it back to the way I intended it should of been in the first place. Only taking what you need, and respecting other people's borders.

As for the fence thing, it was going to be redstone from the get-go, but so many people didn't read that part of the post and started using whatever they wanted so I just didn't bother to enforce it since at the time, it really wasn't going any harm.

But I thought we were moving to due to stopping the lag issue not to build one thing then move on. I don't remember reading about that part. When I came to SG we had our own spot and was able to put in a city or a castle or what ever you wanted. Now it seems that you are saying that we are to build one thing then go some where else. To me that means that we do not have a place to call home and build a home and wheat field, animal farms and a vegetable farm and so.

It sounds more like that we are building for everyone so which means that we should share our mats and gold and and everything with other people. And if that is case, I'm not real thrilled.

This is just my opinion. Let me know if I am wrong to think this way.