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Member Since 30 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 07 2012 10:24 AM

Topics I've Started

WIP - Pet Store

17 April 2012 - 06:07 AM

Hey all.

I've begun work on our Pet Store in LimboCity. As you can see it's a dogs head. I was thinking of making the back go down at at angle and have a collar behind the head just like Minecraft does is. I thought it was cool to walk inside the store via the dogs mouth and make the tongue reach 1-2 blocks further out. Collar of the dog will be either red or blue and I want to try adding glowstone around or within the collar. To brighten up the store I was thinking of a glass ceiling along the angled back of the store with some glowstone mixed in between.

I thought I'd share this with you and get some inputs, since this affects all of us.

Any ideas and suggestions are welcome!

Application - Kamelose

31 March 2012 - 10:17 PM

Hello everyone.

First off, really glad I found this server, looks like a good world to play in! This will be my first multi-player server, since none of the others I've researched have caught my interest, mostly due to over-modding and donation systems. I've been playing on my private server with my 2 friends for the past weeks and have been having a blast building and adventuring. I'm hoping to find a permanent place to live, in Minecraft.

Formal application:

- Your IGN: Kamelose

- Your Age: 25

- Your Location: Currently in Norway. Will be going back home to Iceland in July.

- Why you want to join: I'm looking for a permanent place to stay in Minecraft. I've read everything I can find about this server and it is something I could only have wished for. I really enjoy the social aspect of gaming and dealing with immature players is something I dislike a lot, therefore I began my search for a mature Minecraft server. I love the way the server is managed with zoning and rules, keeping things in spirit with Minecraft and it's geological beauty!

- How you found us: Googled "mature minecraft server" and SixtyGigs was one of the top ones.

- How do you plan on playing: Survival

- Screenshots: I uploaded a few projects on imgur. Everything is built on survival, gathered manually. This does not represent how I will live in SixtyGigs.

Minecraft Screenshots

I didn't want to make this a tedious thread to read so I kept it brief. Feel free to contact me for additional information if you concerned about vouching for me.

Hope to see you in-game!