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Member Since 15 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2012 05:57 PM

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Application For Chernobyl56

15 April 2012 - 08:11 PM

Hey guys. Was looking around for mature servers and came across Sixty Gig. After researching you guys, I've determined this is the type of server I would enjoy calling home. The current server I play on is alright, but still not what I want. Too much griefing outside of the protected zones, inconsiderate players, and chat filled with people complaining about their parents and their homework. I started playing about a month ago and I knew going into it this is a game that would be dominated by a teenaged crowd. That's why I'm happy to have found a server that understands these feelings. Hopefully a few of you will vouch for me and I can join your community. =)

A little bit about me before my application might give you guys a better sense about who I am and why I should be vouched for. I'm Chernobyl56. You can call me Chernobyl56, Chernobyl, Chern, Cherry(i), or Mitch. I'm 20 and am entering my final semester at USC this upcoming Fall. I study criminal justice. I've been considering law school the past few years, but I'm starting to look into masters and doctoral programs and possibly going into law and justice public policy administration. As for now, I just work on computers for my school. I'm pretty laid back. I have a mic and ventrillo/skype, though I much prefer typing out my chat. Other than that, I live with my girlfriend, pet rabbit, and with any luck, a baby husky this week! Any questions you folks have for me can be left in this thread. I'll check this daily and respond to each. I look forward to getting to know you guys.


- Your IGN: Chernobyl56
- Your Age: 20
- Your Location: South Carolina
- Why you want to join: Already discussed in my opening statements, but mainly so I can be on a server that is mature and here to have a good time. I haven't found one yet, but this one seems dead on the mark.
- How you found us: Honestly, I googled "Mature Minecraft Server" and Sixty Gig was the first one on the list.
- How do you plan on playing: Probably creative, but I'm not opposed to survival either.
- Screenshots (Optional): I haven't been playing for very long, and don't have any screenshots of anything I've built. I'm not the greatest builder, but I'm not going to turn the server into an eyesore ;)