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Member Since 21 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 09 2012 04:00 PM

Topics I've Started

db7363's New Member Application

22 April 2012 - 07:22 AM

- Your IGN (Should match your forum account name here!! If it doesn't we will change your forum account name to match.)


- Your Age

48, that's not too old is it? I am really much younger at heart than my bald head suggests...

- Your Location

Jacksonville, NC

- Why you want to join. (More details, the better!)

My Granddaughter turned me on to MineCraft several months ago. Now I can't stop playing; however, it can be very frustrating. When I play with my Granddaughter, I spend all of my time fixing all of the grief she causes or fixing the grief to her stuff that other griefers do onto her. She just doesn't understand that when she tears up someone else's stuff it is exactly the same as when someone else tears up her stuff. But that is what you get when you play with kids. So, I started playing by myself (not with myself) on other servers. I have tried dozens. After much searching I found one, but after a few weeks it just never came online again. I guess that is the risk of playing on a new server full of kids. It has to be more trouble than it is worth.

- How you found us.

I wanted a server that catered to older players, so I started thinking, I will start my own server just for "mature" players. I started conducting google and forum searches on what adults wanted out of MineCraft. That is when I came across this server. I'm sorry, I don't remember which forum I found the first mention of SixtyGig on. A server by adults for adults, that's genius. It is so simple, the term "adult" should be one of the options on server search criteria on the server sites.

- How do you plan on playing: (Creative or Survival? This is not set in stone, you can change it later)

Survival with PvP. Let me explain. I don't want the kind of PvP where someone comes up behind you as you are mining and kills you for your diamond pickaxe. Or you get ambushed as you are wandering through countryside looking for sugar cane. What I want is organized mayhem. Let's say my group, town, or faction agrees with your group, town, or faction that at 8 p.m. on Saturday, 5 May, that we are going to go to war. This war will last until 8:00 p.m. the next day. Both sides could start building up their defenses for a couple of weeks, then Bang! As I read the rules for this server, this is within them...

- Screenshots (Optional)

I wish I could show you the colosseum I built, but alas the server is no more... The gladiator fighting three creepers that came out of redstone controlled doors was a big hit.