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Member Since 03 May 2012
Offline Last Active May 09 2012 12:43 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Sail On!!!

05 May 2012 - 03:53 PM

Ok well i guess you didn't understand what i was trying to say, here's another hint.
Posted Image

Is this very mature?

In Topic: Sail On!!!

05 May 2012 - 01:11 PM

Perhaps not, but when your first debate was locked, starting a new one with a rant does enforce that we probably don't want you here.

Good luck sailboat, sail on.

I wasnt ranting

In Topic: A long time

04 May 2012 - 11:54 AM

Trolling may be popular for alot of MMO's but not here. Better luck next time

Just to show I am not a liar or phony.
Go to this link.
Then go on forums.
Look at the little A under sailboat517
It means admin
Please reconsider my application
I am really a very mature person.
Click on this sentence to go to the Servers Website

In Topic: A long time

04 May 2012 - 11:45 AM

I dont want to seem impatient but:
1 month is a long time.
I was wondering if you could do it more often.
I have looked high and low for a server like this one
I cant even be considered as a player until June!
I think it is a long time to wait for a whitelist.
I know it is to help stop greifers and spammers
Maybe could you make it for May 15th?
That way I only have to wait a half a month.
Please reply your opinion.
Thank you.

Here is the deal.
I am not a spammer or a greifer.
And I totally understand why it is only once a month.
Thank you for explaining that.

On the other hand.
My application was denied.
I understand why.
Because I ave been banned before.
But then again, I am not perfect.
There is such a thing as Hackers.
They steal your password and stuff.
I was definately hacked on rice-think.net
I completely take responsibility for being banned on Volantia.
I was using a x-ray hack.
But I never saw a rule about not using it.
They should clear that up.
All good servers have a rule board at spawn or a website with a ruleboard.
I never saw that rule on their server.
I never remember playing on nokia craft. Just Saying.
Last but not least...
Little Brothers...<-- this server
I went to the bathroom and came out..
I look on minecraft.

Please reconsider my application after hearing these details.
I really want to be a part of this server even if it means waiting one month.
I can wait for something this good.
Thank you very much for understanding.