We had a discussion similar to this in one of my psychology classes. If we went strictly off the idea of Darwinism then the idea that every living thing's main objective is to pass on their DNA, then yes, you could argue that. However, we also discussed that human's are the only creature that can "choose" not to have kids. Other animals; birds, bees, whales, plants, don't have the option. I think the whole human responsibility thing is a little old fashioned.
- SixtyGig - The Minecraft server for mature gamers.
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About Me
Welcome You've stumbled upon my profile page. I am an HR major in university. I've been playing Minecraft since January of 2011 and I've been a member of SixtyGig for about the same amount of time. Currently I am the applications managers and I help to screen/accept and decline applicants. The stuff that I build on Minecraft are all very whimsical as my past creations have included floating islands, flying cupcakes and baby ducks. Besides Minecraft I also like to play Elder Scrolls and Assassin's Creed.
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: Kids
02 September 2013 - 12:49 PM
In Topic: What's Your Favorite Thing About Minecraft?
19 August 2013 - 04:47 PM
The reason I love minecraft today is the same reason I started playing years ago, which is the idea of "I can do anything".
In Topic: Tree farm at spawn spot?
19 August 2013 - 08:28 AM
Seems fine to me~
In Topic: Why does the live map keep crashing?
09 August 2013 - 09:25 PM
You all aren't sacrificing enough human souls to keep this server up and running. the server is very disappointed.
In Topic: The big "move-horse-to-main-world"-adventure!
06 August 2013 - 05:38 PM
I'm so proud of you all for going on this epic adventure to bring back horses. I especially love the picture of you guys riding in boats and the horses swimming behind you.
- SixtyGig - The Minecraft server for mature gamers.
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: Eryng
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