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Member Since 14 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 02 2012 03:18 PM

Topics I've Started

Shootaaa's application.

14 June 2012 - 05:14 PM

-Your IGN Shootaaa (Most people just call me Kyle though)

-Your ageI am 15, turning 16 on the 25th of this very month. (kind of worried this will be my demise)

-Your locationScotland, United Kingdom.

-Why you want to join I wish to join because I am looking for a server which isn't filled with grief, trolls, immature keyboard warriors and thirteen year old admins. I've found a few servers that started our promising, then they just faded, with all the members either getting bored with Minecraft or moving onto a different server. I'm looking for a Minecraft experience in which I can talk whilst I build with others or exploring, with other people who (hopefully) are rather mature folk. I wouldn't have applied if it wasn't for how long the server has been running, and how the members I have seen act. It looks like a nice place with nice people. There isn't much I think I should say other than all that, if I missed anything let me know, because I'm coming to a blank right now.

-How you found usBy simply googling "Mature Minecraft Servers"!

-How to plan on playing I would like to play as survival since creative is kind of the opposite of what Minecraft really is about, gathering food and blocks to build shelter with in an infinite world filled with monsters.

-Screenshots I don't have many ( maybe not any, the server I was building a massive underground library on was wiped, due to the owner not being able to wait ten hours for the new host to transfer the map ) but I'll see what I can find! I'm not an amazing builder by any means so don't expect much.