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Member Since 08 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 08 2012 05:28 PM

Topics I've Started

Sahas's Application

08 July 2012 - 04:38 PM

Hello there, in game I go by Sahas.

I'm 27 currently and I live in Colorado.

I found your site via google searching "adult minecraft server". I currently build at woodenaxe which is the top hit for that search string, but I'm ready to move on. WA is well-run, but I simply do not like having to pay 20/mo to access nether/end materials easily. I have already donated to that server, but I couldn't justify a monthly charge.

I plan on playing survival since I'm not a huge fan of creative. While you can build some amazing stuff in creative, the same structures built in survival mode are just that much more impressive to me.

I'm a big fan of unique approaches to builds and using unique materials. End/Nether blocks are generally my choice, but recently I've been experimenting with water/glass structures.

Here's a shot of a prototype I just finished (didn't embed because they're kind of big):

Imgur link

Didn't turn out exactly how I was wanting it, but it serves alright as a proof of concept. I was mainly seeing what it took to have the water follow specific pathing while using the fewest blocks possible. The ring is framed in dirt and I was going to replace it with glowstone, but I didn't have nether access sadly.

Here's another shot from underneath. It took some real effort to get those jungle trees to grow so close to one another...

Imgur link 2

Anyway, hopefully you'll find me a to be a good fit for the server and hopefully there is room.

Thanks for the consideration in any event.

~ Sahas