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Member Since 13 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 15 2012 01:16 AM

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MZL here...

13 July 2012 - 09:49 PM

Hello there!

I'm MZL. For some registrational reasons, my ingame name, however, is TheMZL. Not all Interwebs places appreciate people with three-letter nicks. :)

Back in late 2011, I used to play for half a year on a very nice, vanilla-esque server. The staff changes there were a little bit strange, to state the least, and led to the point that I chose to leave, even though I loved playing there, especially because of the community.

So, I've been searching for a place I could call a home for many months. I've been on several servers, and if there's something I've fed up is the majority of players around being aged about 10-12.

Don't take me wrong, I love kids as much as anyone else, they are the future of this world, and all that, but I just don't like them on my server, building mud huts, and generally mucking around, being kids. :)

I'd like a place where the general populae would be oriented more into fashioning the surroundings into a pleasant view, together. I'm a professional lighting designer IRL, so I've got an eye for design and beauty. Art, that three-letter word is a big thing in my life. Really big. I love to see beauty around me.

(For those really interested: I mostly do live gigs, corporate events, festivals, and such, but I also do a fair bit of theater every now and then. You can follow me on Twitter, @TheMZL.)

As Minecraft goes, I like to do it the proper way, meaning, I like to play on survival, gather the bits myself, and then plonk them down, building something really nice. Also, I've done some bigger projects on creative, when there has been a tight schedual of things.

Here's a nice, little link I've prepared for you guys to see what sort of blocks I've placed down in the past: http://mzl.fi/minceraft/

Yes, the "typo" in the link is intended.

What I love in a Minecraft server is the community. I love to talk with people. That's, in my humble opinion, more than half of the value of an Interwebs game. The actual gameplay is always worth less than the chatter... Well, just look at the text wall I've already created above. :D

Now, onto the boring stuff:

Aged thirty, found you via Google, reason for wanting to join is explained well above, as are all the other facts, methinketh.

Just ask me if you want to know more. :)