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Member Since 31 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 20 2012 11:50 AM

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fkshit's Application

31 July 2012 - 08:56 AM

My IGN is 'fkshit', I will be 21 in a month and I am from Portugal. :)

I want to join this server because I want to come back to Minecraft and I want to play on a good server for a change. The last server (and only server) I played on was run by people I grew tired of, and I want a server that provides a stable and mature environment so that I may enjoy Minecraft without the hassle of dealing with some bored kid who was made OP. I pretty much quit Minecraft after my things were deleted without warning or consent.

I found this server by just googling "mature minecraft server", hoping I would get results. This was the first website I visited and the rules page convinced me this was the server I was looking for.

As how I plan to play, that would be Survival. I will be building mostly, but Survival buildings feel more satisfying. In the previous server I played on I built a rather tall tower made entirely out of legit Survival obsidian and it felt good, really good. I wish I had screenshots to back that up (deleted at some point), but if I am accepted I will build a bigger and better one. ;)

That is pretty much it. I want to leave a note, though, regarding my username. I hope it does not offend any of you or leave a bad impression of me, I am aware that it may sound bad for a server like this, and I would change it if I could. I'll regret it a lot if you don't accept me because of it.
