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Member Since 10 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 10 2012 11:09 PM

Topics I've Started

bordaks application

10 August 2012 - 11:00 PM

- ign- bordakius
- Age- 21
- Location NJ, USA
- Why i want to join- after having minecraft and feeling sort of homeless for...too too long (since classic or more)... im looking to STOP looking for a server that stays up for more then a month or 2 and/or has a group of mature people (meaning not a bunch of 16 yr olds yammering on..)that i can trade with and/or chat or ignore :). after being a noob -bigger noob -helper - mod- op- owner-and noob again!-, i just would like a long standing server i can play on when im not at work and where i dont have to log in to find "OOPS!... so and so or blah blah happened to ur three month long half built death star... (etc =/)

- How i found you- i typed into google: mature minecraft server (whyy didnt i ever think of google before planet minecrafT!?)

- How do i plan on playing: (since i can change it later)- well im normally in survival building or expanding some sort of deadly trap and dungeon style base or city... or just mining n surviving etc lol... but on some servers that ive gotten admin on (and my own i used to own and ofc my singleplayer worlds), i like to make cool redstone dungeons with traps and survival style games which i build in creative and switch to survival to test (this is if there is an community intrest/need on the server otherwise creative mode bores me! :P)

- Screenshots (Optional)- (add me on steam: Beerzombie , all my screenshots would be on there i dont know how to take them any other way and still b able to post)

(also if you have any questions or whatnot in the meantime feel free to email me, i hope its ok to apply for sept 1 on aug 11)

:iron_fence_16px: :iron_fence_16px: :iron_fence_16px:
:iron_fence_16px: :face_zombie_16px: :iron_fence_16px:
:iron_fence_16px: :stone_sword_16px: :iron_fence_16px:
:iron_fence_16px: :face_player_16px: :iron_fence_16px:
:iron_fence_16px: :iron_fence_16px: :iron_fence_16px: