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Member Since 02 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 11 2012 02:21 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Grisstle's Application

08 September 2012 - 08:04 PM

I'm sure you're all good people, but I don't think I want to do this. I am cancelling my application. Playing minecraft is supposed to be fun and relaxing, where I can enjoy building stuff with other adults and help out new players. You guys won't really know me through this process and while I appreciate the one vouch, none of you have asked any questions or said anything to really get to know me. I'm sure this process works for you guys, but it's not working for me. Thanks all anyway.

In Topic: Grisstle's Application

08 September 2012 - 08:41 AM

How does the constipated accountant solve his problem?

He works it out with a pencil!

In Topic: Grisstle's Application

07 September 2012 - 01:34 PM

Here is the link to the pictures. Some are missing until I shrink them so photobucket will upload them. My projects have been mostly small due to not being able to find a stable server to work/play on. However, the castle with the mushroom farm was a big project hosted on my own server that I run for me and a couple friends. With Guild Wars 2 out, that server is down because well, it sucks to play alone on a MC server.

http://photobucket.com/grisstlemcwork the guest password is sixtygig the name of the site without the www. or the .com and no spaces.

In Topic: Grisstle's Application

07 September 2012 - 06:59 AM

I'm still here. I've been so busy with the schools back in session, I'm booked up for emergency call outs until the middle of next week. After that I get to move on to the fun stuff. I have new firewalls, one for each school! I would like to post some pictures of my work, but would it be ok to link to a photobucket instead of direct posting them? Also, some of my mc work is offline because I've only been playing mc for about two months and didn't start playing online until about a month ago. So far, my favourites are my deep ocean farm, my mountain stronghold with dungeon and my desert biodome (still under construction, but a diametre of 72 blocks and made of glass under survival, glass made mostly with sand and coal until I discovered lava buckets. I also collaborated on a village on my last server.

In Topic: Grisstle's Application

05 September 2012 - 12:51 AM

You work in education? You poor soul!!! LOL

Welcome and good luck on your app!

Thanks. We'll see how it goes.