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Member Since 09 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 16 2012 04:44 PM

Topics I've Started

benheat1 Whitelist Application

09 November 2012 - 05:10 PM

What is your minecraft name?:benheat1

How long have you played Minecraft: I've been playing Minecraft consistently since around beta 1.3, so for quite a while now. Ive spend most time nowadays playing on multiplayer servers. The only time I play single player is when I play the Technic Pack. Ive played on many servers, some huge and some very small. I am looking for to meet some new people and have a good time.

What is your timezone?: Pacfic Standard Time

What country do you live in?: Washington, USA

Why do you want to be a member: I want to join the server because it looks like a good time. I'm tired of playing on silly immature servers. It seems like mature servers are non- existent anymore. Even then the few that I do manage to find are massive ones, with around 75 players on at any given time. After reading the About SixtyGig section on the website, I am convinced this is the server for me. I laughed when I saw, "We know pretty much the entire Minecraft community is full of 12 year olds, servers that usually don't exist more than a month and undereducated admins that you wouldn't trust to assemble your BigMac correctly." I found this funny, as it really does sum up the majority of the Minecraft community nowadays and countless previous experiences. I love to play survival, and build big. I have no screenshots of anything but I really love to build modern buildings, skyscrapers, and underwater establishments. I am looking for a medium sized server with around 5-35 people on at any time. This server looks just like it. I understand applications are closed at the moment, but I thought I would apply anyways. I don't have any connections with anyone on the server. Even if I'm not let on immidietly I still would like to be first on the queue to play on this great server.

How old are you?: 16

Feel free to ask me any questions, I hope to see you all in-game soon! Thanks for the time!