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Member Since 26 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 09 2013 04:58 PM

Topics I've Started

scarletohkb's application.

26 December 2012 - 03:55 PM

I couldn't find much in the way of a form for an application, so I asked Bam what to do, and he said do it something like this.

In game name: scarletohkb

Age: 20.

How long have you been playing minecraft: For about a year. Never too much at once, because I never had my own copy. I would just play offline on our (me and bam) laptop. I would like to play on a calm server where I can play with others, yet not have to worry about grief.

Why I want to join sixtygig: Because I feel like I already know some of you, watching Bam play or hearing him skype with some of you. I want to join because I have already seen hours and hours of sixtygig, and I know that I would like this place.
I already know the rules of sixtygig, and how everything works.

My play style: I usually don't go for big projects. Small and detailed is what I like. I spend a lot of time underground, mining (I know to do that in the wilds here).

Vouched for by Bamfigms.

I haven't bought Minecraft yet, but plan to do so very soon.
Within a day or two.
Bam said an application would probably take a little bit to process, and that I should go ahead and put this in.

Thanks for reading, and I hope to see some of you online soon.