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Member Since 26 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 07 2013 02:06 AM

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In Topic: Application: hedgomatic

27 January 2013 - 04:22 PM

Wow, that sounds awesome. Why did you decide to start building mods? Have you done anything else with javascript?

I'm a front-end web developer, so building things with JavaScript is my day job :]

It's actually been a fun way to learn more Java (the two languages share a similar name but are otherwise unrelated), because I've had to look at the source code of other people's mods to figure out how things work.

Nothing too fancy so far --I built a rudimentary portal / travel plugin, and I've been able to read and change biome data-- but being able to do goofy stuff in Minecraft at a lower level is really fun!

In Topic: Application

26 January 2013 - 09:20 PM

Me: older :) (two kids, wife, job, all that will take up more of my time than MC....

Location: Austin, Texas

I'm also an older player in Austin! A few years back I tried to create a 21+ Austin-only server, but the handful of Austin-people I knew have since moved on. Good to see there are still older players in the area carrying the torch.