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Member Since 31 Mar 2013
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kmruler's Application

31 March 2013 - 04:55 PM

In Game Name: Kmruler
Real Name/Preferred Name: Martin
Age: 18
Previous Minecraft experience: I've been playing minecraft since alpha and I would consider myself as an 'experienced' player because I know pretty much everything there is to know really. I love building but really I'm no good at it, I love building small villages and complex tunnels with underground homes. When I go mining I love to make it realistic by putting "supports" in my mines (just wood standing on each side) to make it look neat. I would consider myself as a very VERY creative person but I do love the aspect of surviving just as much as building.
Your background:  I'm from mexican/spanish decent, I currently live in Southern California region. I'm an openly gay person but I'm not really that 'feminine' (you know the ones that people stereotype). I'm very outgoing and I love to have lot's of fun. I love to party with friends and have a blast really. I'm really adventurous, and I love to try new things (especially food). Man I love food, I love chinese food the most though haha. I like to listen to indie/alternative music, but I love house music the most such as kaskade and calvin harris, all that good stuff. I have a thing for lana del rey I absolutely love her music, I'd date her regardless of my sexual orientation. I'm really focused in school, I love taking rigorous courses such as AP and honor classes. I'm currently in my schools orchestra playing the Viola and I'm first chair for Viola. I'm maintaining a 3.5 GPA because I really want to go to a UC school (UC Irvine <3) to study criminal investigation. I love to read, currently I'm on the second novel for a book called 'Gossip Girl' I watched all 6 seasons but that wasn't enough (I'm such a girl sometimes but really I'm a tough man okay haha). I'm also really into film making, I love to think my life is like a movie, surprises never stop coming and there will always be a plot twist. I wouldn't really consider myself as a drama queen although I seem to make it seem like I am? People tell me I'm extremely funny and I agree with them. People who I talk to and hangout with always seem to have a smile because I make them smile :). If I see someone down and or alone I will go talk to them to give them comfort and talk to them. I would consider myself as 'popular' at school, not to be stuck up or anything or brag. Last year I used to be fat but I've lost all the weight thanks to last summer and for participating in my schools cross country team and track and field. I love to run really, it's such a great stress reliever. All my life I've been challenged with adversity, from drugs to divorce being involved in my family to being of who I am (gay). I've been bullied, I've been made fun but that hasn't stopped me to be who I am although the bullying stopped at the beginning of high school. I hate little kids and how they sound, I can't stand squeaky voices and immature behavior. Main reason I want to join this server is to play with well matured players that I can trust an open chest with. I love to go on quests on minecraft and go mining and building. I prefer to have a partner with me during playing because I hate being alone especially when mining (when I'm paranoid I literally hallucinate **** lol). I have THE biggest fear of aliens, ugh I just can't. I have trypophobia and I'm currently overcoming the fear of the dark. I have shopping anxiety (I can't shop alone or I start freaking out). I'm really insecure about myself sometimes (I always have to dress nice and have perfect hygiene) I love playing games but I have this like body dyslexia lol (I call it that) like I have trouble lifting my arm and leg at the same time at a certain sequence so I have trouble clicking and pressing buttons and stuff at unexpected situations so I'm bound to die easily if some ****** decides to kill me (I hope this is a non-pvp server). Oh and I'm also good with websites, during my Habbo stage of my teenage life I used to own and manage my own private server (illegal though) and I would make money off it and I would say it was really successful. I'm good at altering webpages that use PHP, HTML and CSS and some JAVA (although I'm not the best but I know some stuff). I love all types of video games except RPG and sports. My brother works for Blizzard as a community manager, he tried getting me into world of war craft (he's been playing that crap since like 2000, I used to see him play it on those old white boxed computers as a little kiddie) but WOW is pretty lame though. I love to stay up till 5 am playing Gmod, minecraft, Simcity (the new one), Tomb Raider (new one) and mass effect 3. I also play Xbox, I play Halo 4, L4D2, GTA, MW3, Black ops 2, etc. I love life.