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Member Since 12 May 2013
Offline Last Active May 12 2013 02:55 PM

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12 May 2013 - 02:23 PM

I'll answer your questions, and I also have a few questions of my own.


1.) Why did you link what appears to be your PoF profile in your application.
Answer: Because I did. It's my background answer, which totally makes sense to do since typing all that out again would just be vien.

Question: Why did you google my answers? lol

2.)  Did I read the FAQ post discussing the application review process?
Answer: I just finished reading it; for some reason it wasn't pinned and I only looked at the application format. And after reading it, and also reading your response.. I see that it might take a while to actually enjoy a legit SMP experience on this server. I'm not excited to know that, but I am patient enough to wait for something that's worth waiting for.

Question: None.

3.) Why did I post "Please Read" in the title?

Answer: When I was in college, I took a class called Business English. I learned about what makes the reader click on links/ads/etc. The "PLEASE READ" stands out, looks important- even though it's not.. Sorry about seeming impatient, which does have some truth to it (I hate procrastinating)

Question: Is this going to become a problem? (being assertive) ?


All in all, I'm twenty four years old, and I like to play Minecraft. I'm tired of SSP, and I'd like to get involved, whether it's a collaborated project, or some independent testing for the whole community. I don't wish to bow down to admins; I just want to play Minecraft with people that have respect instead of some higherarchy of cyber socialism.. which seems to be the case every time I try to join a server.


12 May 2013 - 12:43 PM

Bump. lol