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Member Since 12 May 2013
Offline Last Active May 12 2013 02:55 PM

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12 May 2013 - 11:28 AM

Hello! I'm applying for the whitelist on your server: server.sixtygig.com





Real Name: Ken


Minecraft Experience: I'm definitely great at designing redstone circuits. I'm still fiddling around with the redstone comparator, trying to figure out some cool new uses for it.. I love building things (who doesn't?). I've been playing since beta, and I'm a bit upset that I haven't came across this server's site sooner. I actually had the Minecraft box delivered free of charge, since I bought it before it got big. :)



I'm a good guy, and I speak my mind.
I have self-respect.
I have too many characteristics to count.
I love my family, friends, animals, and food- in that order.
I am "some-what" of a nerd/geek, and I enjoy reading articles about science, or watching documentaries.
Video games are awesome. So are movies and wine.
I play guitar, but I'm not very good at it.
I am a child with a grown up shell.
I have a zealous sentimental personality.
I enjoy being spontaneous, and I'm a bit of a risk-taker.
I listen to LOTS of different genres of music.
I perform at 110%, 100% of the time.
I can be arrogant, but usually in a sarcastic mannerism.
I tell it how it is, and I am afraid to hurt your feelings, so I think really hard about how to articulate myself.


I just really want to play with other people man. It's so hard to find people around my age that play this game. -_- I'm from NY, so you can say it's kinda a tough crowd when it comes to finding Minecrafters. lol