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Member Since 01 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 12 2015 12:55 PM

Topics I've Started

Any interest in Skyblock?

27 August 2015 - 11:09 AM

Hi all! Long time no play. I recently moved and our new ISP won't allow me to do anything online very reliably. We are only here for another month so it doesn't make sense to change. Anyway, about Skyblock.


I've wanted to play again since I played for a few months pre-SG. (Many moons ago...). Is anyone else interested? I'm not trying to have it be a forever thing. I just sort of want to build an island, successfully do things on said island, and move on. But it's no fun in single player when you can't cackle at the misfortune of others. ;)


I will likely lag so much I want to murder baby ducks, but it'd be a nice way to pass some time if anyone's down! (Skyblock, not baby duck murder...)

Iry Attempts to Play Minecraft

27 May 2015 - 04:41 PM

I didn't think screenshots would do my mediocre builds justice. So I made a video! This is what I've made so far in the last 3 weeks. :D Enjoy!


I'm Baaaaaack!

01 May 2015 - 02:29 PM

Hello and welcome to this forum post. Name's IryshWhiskey, but it bugs me when you call me by my actual name. Please call me Iry. Or whatever you want, just not IryshWhiskey. K? Ok, glad we had this talk.


I was here for many a moon about a year ago. Then *poof like ninja* I disappeared. Long story short, my military husband moved, I moved with him. We had no internet for 2 months (CAN YOU IMAGINE!?) and by the time we had it again, I'd already missed 2 rollcalls and felt bad and wasn't really feeling Minecraft anymore anyways because I was sooooo busy with work, and being a house wife and I got a puppy and shiny things! 


So anyway, hi again. I love and missed you all. Hello new-to-me people. Welcome to 60Gig! It's awesome here. You're also probably awesome. 


Oh, yeah. Uh, real name is Brittany. I'm a freelance video game journalist and bored housewife. I have a German Shepherd/Lab mix named Bailey. She's pretty much the best. Husband is in the Air Force. I'm turning 29 next month. (I don't want to talk about it!) I'm a gemini and I hate long walks on the beach because walking in the sand is hard and Pina Coladas are gross.