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Member Since 07 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 12 2013 09:10 AM

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Zimboy39's Application

07 June 2013 - 10:45 AM

In Game Name: Zimboy39


Real Name: Tanner


Age: 16


Previous Minecraft experience: I've been playing since Alpha, for the past two years I have owned a Minecraft server, but I have recently shut it down due to some money issues that my family and myself have recently encountered. The server that I previously owned was somewhat successful, but attracted the wrong crowd (Griefers, exploiters, hackers, spammers, and all that good stuff)



A little about myself: I have played video games almost my whole life from Xbox to Atari 2600. I have also been interested in Computers and how they work for a number of years, I've even been teaching myself programming in the Java language in my free time. I'm attending college in the fall for Computer Science. My favorite games that I have ever played are Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy Vii, Halo, The legend of Zelda (All of them) I love all things nerdy to be brutally honest.



Why I want to join: Ever since I shut down my server I have been looking for one for me to play on a regular basis, but the vast majority of servers that I have been on are filled with immature children  that only think about spreading havoc to everything that cross their path. (Probably another reason why I shut down my server without a second thought) I've been wanting to see what it is like to be playing with people that act more civil to their fellow players, and from the looks of how this website is built and the community, it seems like a very mature place and I would love to be apart of it.



How I found this server: Simple really, I was trying to find a Minecraft community with mature players and this was one of the first results on google. 



How I plan on Playing: I'm not a creative player in any aspect. I've played survival my whole Minecraft career and I plan on keeping it this way.



To whom that has read this, thank you for your time.



- Tanner W.