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Member Since 08 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 05 2014 01:03 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Application for Drowndjellyfish

01 March 2014 - 08:43 PM

I'll trade your 25 to my 30 :D Interested? lol

In Topic: Peach's Application

01 March 2014 - 08:41 PM

Those are all good games >:3 Are you still currently playing WoW? Do you play SC2?


I'm not currently playing WoW but I'm sure I'll play it again sometime. I had a year break until January and then I played 2 weeks out of a month sub lol... so my interest wasn't ready yet I guess. I don't play SC2, I've sadly never been interested in that game style.

In Topic: Peach's Application

27 February 2014 - 01:36 PM

We did do a very nice station together Cap't! Applications that aren't active usually dont get considered :-)


Aye, makes sense as there's so many in line.


Hmm?? A peach that can vomit? I guess that's enough internets for today.. xD


*takes out a list and marks over something* "Make someone go "enough internet for today" because of you" x3

In Topic: Peach's Application

26 February 2014 - 09:25 PM

Hi Nina, good to meet you. Hang on in there with your application it can take some time.


I empathise with your feeling about group projects and making mistakes... but the pleasure is in the taking part doing what you can, not how awesome your building skills are or not..  Mine are seriously random! But I enjoy doing what I can  8)

good luck!


Yeah, I noticed there's quite a line + I never kept up with the old application. But you never know! :3


And you're so doing some project with me if I get in! xD

In Topic: Peach's Application

24 February 2014 - 08:35 AM

Wait.. what do you speak then?


I speak Finnish and English. But you were not wrong, there's plenty of people who speak Swedish in Finland.


Pig latin, amiright? :P

Good luck with your app! 


Ankthay ouyay! Iway oday eakspay igpay atinlay!


Hello there Peach!

Welcome to the SixtyGiG Forums!


I´m not really a chatter so i´m just gonna wish you goodluck with the Application!


Haha, it's cool. I'm not a super chatter either :3


I have got to ask..............How did you decide on yout IGN? Are you a vommiting peach or a puddle of peach vomit?


It's a long story... but it is about vomiting peaches in a way, not being a vomiting peach :D Anyway, I used to be a huge Bam Margera fan (I kind of still am but not in the way a teen would be one I guess lol) and I loved the CKY videos... and... well, I'm more """grown up""" now but the user name stick. Click HERE for a bad quality video where my username comes from. Warning: it's stupid and contains vomiting. 


You seem cool! I am also an applicant! (although my schedule currently involves herding hoards of 15 year olds seven days a week, so I have been busy). What other video games do you play? :)


Thanks! Herding 15 year olds sound like fun... I'd make them do the dishes and grind me gold in WoW. Hah.


I could list so many video games but I guess I could list few like Mass Effect series, Dragon Age series, Fallout series... mmm... World of Warcraft is pretty cool... I guess that's all I can think of right now. I guess I'm the one that goes for RPG games.


I am with WordlyWalker, how the heck did you get that name? :P It's a very unique name... 


Check what I replied earlier. It sure is unique... xD I do regret it at times, but I am also fond of it because it's so random. AND I've got some fun "fanart" for it... let me show... xD This here is from my dear talented friend Alex.

