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Member Since 08 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 05 2014 01:03 AM

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Peach's Application

21 February 2014 - 04:28 AM

Alright, I'm applying again! :3 I tried to get my old application but since it's been a while it's gone. I'll assume I was never approved.


In Game Name: peachvomit
Real Name: Nina but people always go with Peach/Peachy and it's okay.
Age: I am currently 4 months away from being 30. I do not like this fact tho' xD I feel like a 16 year old still. I guess it's a good thing. But what isn't a good thing is that I can't relate to people my age irl if they're "normal" ...or boring. You know what I mean, the ones who example see gaming as some sort of sin. lol. But of course I have my grown up mode when needed.
Previous Minecraft experience: I'm happy to say I'm not considered a newbie anymore... well not until the new patch came. I'm one of those people who ask way too much... sometimes even when I should Google. I've learned not to annoy people so much tho' and try have proper websites open while playing but still I often seem to wish others' help... I mean it's a good convo starter - I usually have hard time participating in discussions :/ But nobody's perfect I guess. In Minecraft I'm not a huge fan of actual building which is a bit funny I know - I'm interested in exploring and gathering (I mean it's cooler to build when you have tons to build with anyway) and I'm also very in love with shops :D My favorite thing in MC is if you can run a shop. I like how people can get my exploration and gathering items and build their things as I'm not that good of a builder - I seem to be a bit stuck into same patterns of styles too. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not very good at group building so I usually refuse direct requests to join a project... unless it's about gathering materials. It's not that I don't get along with people, I just have issues understanding instructions and I always seem to do everything wrong no matter how I try. Anyway, I also very much enjoy making villages or turning NPC villages into bigger ones. I'm a bit of a weirdo with that - my friend calls me the "Villager Warden" because I'm always the first one to remind about not killing poor villagers or at least leaving them one door so they get to safety at night. I really really love my villagers heheh.......
Your background: I hate this part... I don't think I'm very interesting but I doubt anyone thinks they are lol. Okay so my name is Nina and I come from Finland. I'm currently in a bit of a hole in my life - I failed a school I was in to get a profession (media works) and it let me into being a bit of a loser who now has no job or anything. I have all the time in the world now and it's not very pleasant since when you do nothing all day it gets to you in time. That's one reason I decided to play MC again after a short break - at least it brings few hours of fun and talking to people. I really have hard time telling much about myself... uh, I have 2 cats still. They're my boys. I'm a bit of a catlady to be honest :D That's something I can always discuss about. I guess that was all. I'm taking a bit of a risk here sounding boring but life is nothing but risks when you think about it.
Feel free to ask me anything! :3

Peach's Application

08 June 2013 - 11:43 AM

In Game Name: peachvomit
Real Name/Preferred Name: My name is Nina but you can call me Peach.
Age: I'm turning 29 this month q__q I'm very sensitive of my age but maybe for once it's some use! xD
Previous Minecraft experience: I started playing in... February 2013 I think. I'd say I have 80% knowledge on MC basics but there's always new things to learn. My single game lags really bad so I've actually only played in servers. And why aren't I playing in these and are applying here? Because you promise mature people. I can't say I act mature all the time but still I'm pretty sure you know what I mean. Mmm. In Minecraft I actually don't care so much about building which is pretty ironic... I only build actual buildings when really inspired. I have some issues with creativity (and roofs. Those are my greatest enemy!) and tend to give up easily. I do like wool art (a.k.a pixel art) though! But it's very hard work so I only make them rarely. The biggest joy in MC for me is exploring, gathering, trading and shop keeping. I love managing a shop! :3 I also love villagers and villages. Yeah. I don't know what else to say on this.
...what? :3
Oh. But I fail really bad at telling about myself. :/ Uh. I'm from Finland... I like cats.
I'm taking a chance leaving my application like this but I like chances! xD Of course I'll answer any additional questions you might have.