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Member Since 21 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 04 2013 08:40 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The Introvert - Extrovert Debate

25 July 2013 - 12:43 PM

I'm a goal oriented semi-social introvert (yaay for a new made up term!)


I don't look for validation from others for my personal beliefs and I really don't care if people think I'm right or wrong. Although I love getting opinions on things (Like my texture pack) because I want constructive feedback to improve my abilities. But that could be in part that I'm probably borderline narcissistic. I really only care about improving myself, but I don't care what *you* think about the outcome, that's my business. I also really don't socialize for the sake of socializing or really care if you think I'm wrong. But, I do always strive to improve myself and my abilities so I enjoy getting critical constructive feedback.


To me socializing for socializing's sake is a total waste of time. But, I won't deny it completely, I just avoid it because I simply just don't care at all. So, while I'll go out to eat with my friends or see a movie typically I'd rather be at home working on my texture pack, playing minecraft, studying, or doing something I feel benefits me directly with some sort of end-purpose or outcome. Doing things like "hanging out with friends in the backyard with a beer" is completely pointless (and simply boring) so I have no interest in doing it what so ever. Now, if me and my friends are working together to a common goal of some kind? Totally on board.


Socializing just isn't a priority to me, I have no real social anxiety of any kind anymore, I can typically talk to just about anyone and from my perspective I seem to be a friendly kinda guy as far as I can tell.  I just don't go out of my way to socialize. You will never see me in a bar, a club, or just wandering aimlessly around. Basically, whatever I'm doing needs purpose. It doesn't even have to be purpose specifically for me, but it needs purpose else it's pointless. ;)


Well, once the dementia sets in I might do some more aimless wandering. :D


EDIT: I also took that personality test you mentioned about a year or 2 back just for fun, I came out a strong INFJ (apparently the rarest type, less than 1% of the total population.)


Seriously Ray?? I'm an INFJ also!! I've never met another INFJ. Because....you know...we ARE the title. :P


Supposedly, we are the ones who can supposedly communicate with otherworldly beings. LOL woot! Let's be ghost hunters! :P


Now...why can't I get those darn ghasts to listen to me?!

Well that's odd because I'm an INFJ as well....  =D 

In Topic: Philosophy and other clever things

25 July 2013 - 12:40 PM

Oh, you don't want to get me started on this, I study both Psychology and Philosophy, and my point of view, while probably correct, is not something most people can deal with. :D


Although most of the members know most of life philosophies, so I guess they're not all crazy.


Cryptic admin is cryptic.

Well now I'm curious...what exactly is your point of view?  Why can't people deal with it?

In Topic: Best and Worst moments your entire gaming life so far!

24 July 2013 - 09:56 AM

So I'm not sure if this is a best or worst moment....maybe a little bit of both.


I had just started playing WoW.  I played alone mostly and was terrified to start running dungeons.  So my friend decided to throw me into one.  I believe it was my first dungeon and I think it was Gnomeregan.  I was a Hunter (please don't hate) and had my adorable, feisty pet with me.  So I'm following the party and there's this part where you jump off a cliff with a parachute.  I grabbed my parachute, did my thing and landed.  I tried to call my pet to me, but it didn't come so I shrugged it off.  Then we get overtaken by this HUGE mass of evils and we all die. 

At that point I'm sure someone was yelling at me about my pet and calling me a Huntard, but I was too nervous to read chat or even understand what was going on.  To be honest, I was lucky to hit buttons and kill things...  So we ran it again.  Guess what, huge mass of mobs comes at us and we are eviserated.  Once we are all together again, one of the kinder party members talks to me and tells me that if I don't put away my pet, it takes the long way around and while doing so grabs every single mob it passes by.  They taught me how to dismiss my pet and how to put it in passive mode. 


I can look back on the moment and laugh now, but at the time I was mortified.  First time running a dungeon and I so epically fail.  But I can kind of understand why so many people bash on Hunters. 

I think there should be some sort of achievement for doing this in the game.  Because unless you've played a lot or done your research it's not obvious that you should put your pet away. 

Anyway, that's mah story.  =P

In Topic: I love cats *^.^*

24 July 2013 - 09:40 AM

I have 1 cat, and her real name is Ira, though I call her Baby Kitty (yes I know, generic).


I only just moved out of my parents house and they have 2 dogs, and 1 cat.  One is a Bernese Mountain Dog and his name is Theo.  He's just this large loveable animal!!  We also have a French Bulldog and her name is Sophie.  She makes us laugh, mostly because of how ugly she is. 

And then there's the other cat, Stella.  Who is really unpleasant right now.  She spends all of her time yowling and scratching us because she thinks she is hungry but really isn't.


I am a cat person, but I do love dogs.  Not puppies though.  Puppies are terrible creatures.  I'm never training another puppy.

In Topic: Abeautifulday's Application

24 July 2013 - 09:25 AM



Haley, welcome and good luck.   What part of the world do you hail from?


Irysh or Ros, are you giving out chocolate?  If so, I want some.


And the correct answer is Red Bull.

Thank you!  I'm from California.  Also I only drink Red Bulls if desperate.  They burn a little going down.


OOOOh what part of Cali are you from?? I've lived in San Jose, Brea, Marina del Rey, Long Beach, Buena Park, Cypress...Oh and Grass Valley. LOL :D


I bounced around foster homes literally all over CA from San Diego up to Chico. I think the last I checked it was at least 50 different homes between my mom, my dad, my brother, foster homes and my own need to travel. I currently live in San Francisco. :D ... And have only left the US once to go to Russia. I've never even been to Mexico or Hawaii, haha. :o

Well I think you win the "Most places lived" contest.  How do you like San Francisco?  I lived there for a semester and loved it.  (How can you afford it though?  :o  ).  Also just curious, what'd you go to Russia for?  I've never met anyone who wanted to go there for fun.  =P