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Member Since 21 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 04 2013 08:40 PM

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Any Ingress players?

24 July 2013 - 09:36 AM

Hey all,


When I'm not playing Minecraft or WoW or Zelda (playing through Link to the Past again), I obsessively play Ingress.  It's an ARG, and my first one!!  I had never heard of Alternate Reality Games before.  If you don't know what it is, it's a game that you play in the real world. 


It's a hard game to explain but what it comes down to for me is that it's a strategy game and it requires working with other players.  There are 2 sides, the Enlightened and the Resistance.  It's a worldwide battle between the two.  It was developed by Google and it's centered around an app that you download, a story that you follow on Youtube and the ingress map. 


I'm terrible at explaining.  Just read the Wikipedia page.  http://en.wikipedia..../Ingress_(game)


I love this game because it's an excuse to get out into the city and discover new things.  I don't just go for walks anymore, I plan out my walks so I can claim the most portals.  I walked 5 miles one day, not realizing it because I was having so much fun!  And I like that I get to meet people.  I love my online friends, but I also need to make local ones.  We meet up every now and again to work together and we have a thriving online community. 

Sorry to go on and on, but seriously check out Ingress.  As long as you don't mind walking.



Abeautifulday's Application

21 July 2013 - 09:21 PM

In Game Name: abeautifulday
Real Name/Preferred Name: Haley, but ingame I'm used to being called "Abea" or "Abe."
Age: 25
Previous Minecraft experience: I believe I've been playing Minecraft for about a year.  Minecraft is my first sandbox and I fell in love with it.  I started with a tight-knit server of some local guys I knew.  It fell apart unfortunately.  Since then I've been hopping from server to server hoping to find a new community.  Many of my friends play Minecraft, but none of them with the dedication I seem to.  They would probably call it obsessive, I call it fun.  Mostly what I enjoy about Minecraft is surviving and adventuring.  I'm not much of a builder, but I try my best.  I keep waiting for the day I'll tire of this game, but it hasn't come yet.  I'm hoping that Sixty Gig will be a server I can stick with.

Background:  It's hard to know what to say here.  I'm a 25 year-old graduate currently working as a Marketing Coordinator for a shoe company.  It isn't my passion, but I'm learning that my job doesn't need to be my passion, sometimes it just needs to pay the bills.  When I have the motivation, I try to better myself by exercising, reading, and keeping up on the news.  When I don't have the motivation I play a lot of Minecraft, binge watch British tv and anime and get to know chocolate a lot better.  I'm only human.


I know this isn't part of the application, but I want to say that what I'm looking for in a Minecraft server is a good group of guys and gals who are interested in enjoying a pretty awesome game and getting to know each other.  I want to hop on, smile because I recognize a few names, start up a Skype call (or whatever method of communication) and just have fun.  I'm tired of getting on my current servers, seeing no one I know or starting up a call and finding out I'm speaking to a squeaky 12 year old (no offense to them).  I need to connect to someone more mature.

Thanks for taking the time to review my application!