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Member Since 22 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 29 2013 06:04 PM

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JaceAwesomesauce's Application

22 July 2013 - 07:21 PM

In Game Name: JaceAwesomesauce

Real Name/Preferred Name:Steven

Age: 31

Previous Minecraft experience:


I remember my first glimpse into Minecraft in 2010. I was enamored by the retro gameplay and the possibilities. I played for a while but then ADD ATTACKED! and I lost interest only playing with myself....on Minecraft. I feel this is the type of community where I would have to clarify that train of thought. 


       At any rate, I am currently a player on the Stuncraft server however the age differences are sometimes so great that I find it hard to not feel woefully out of place. I am looking for a server that caters to the mature players. I am also not a fan of hypocrisy. What goes for one, goes for all.


       I have become a master at the square houses we all have built in our minecraft carriers. I am currently learning how to utilize redstone and jazz up the buildings I've made. The worst lesson I learned was never....and I mean NEVER build a sand fort in the water with dark corridors. Creepers sensed the weakness like hound dogs and BOOM......you guessed it. Water came rushing in with the fury of Poseidon. 


Your background:


I'm an IT nerd who has been a gamer since the wee age of 3 when I made those stick lines jump on Circus Atari. I've been told I'm way too social to be a Network Administrator but I tried that whole "someone will see through my silence to the beauty inside" trip and, of course it didn't work. Now instead of going for the subtle approach, I kick open the door and say "Your chicken was dry. Time to add some of the SAUCE." .....okay so that was horrible but I'm working on it. Actually The Sauce makes me sound like a Spaceballs mystic power "May the Sauce Be With You". 


            When I first start out, I tend to do more material gathering than helping but the way I see it, I can't help if I don't have the resources. I'm always willing to lend a hand when asked and I don't shy away from being on teams to build something epoch making. 



      I'm a huge fan of sci-fi, cartoons and everything in between. Firefly, Dr. Who, Red Dwarf (SMEG!) uh.....Futurama..Weekenders (What a very sarcastic show for children...it gave me hope for this generation)....Torchwood....Arrested Development....British comedy such as Black Books, Black Adder, A bit of Fry and Laurie, etc. I've been attempting to learn Irish Gaelic but the ADD is winning at this time. No I don't have "ADD" like those teenagers who say "OMG it's my ADD". No sir, got the pills to prove it. So I'm random at times and sometimes I don't shut up but I will never sit in a corner and hope someone comes talk to me. I just get in the mix yo! I'm ironic, sarcastic, funny, love long walks on the beach, blah blah blah. I am who I am. That's me. 


     Of course there's more to me but I need to keep that mysterious allure. At any rate, that is me. I won't try to bluff my way in, because I tend not to like the whole waiting thing. If I possess that moxie, that fire, that spunk to be given a shot at membership, that is terrific. If not, c'est la vie.Thank you for reviewing this application.