- SixtyGig - The Minecraft server for mature gamers.
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: LadyEh
Community Stats
- Group Veteran
- Active Posts 371
- Profile Views 9,446
- Member Title Workwench
- Age 37 years old
- Birthday June 17, 1987
Nova Scotia, Canada
I have a firm belief that tea and video games can fix anything. And if that doesn't work there's always Vodka.
Maple Syrup
Chuck Norris
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: ||||||||||| SixtyGig player tracker for February 2016 |||||||||||
02 February 2016 - 05:06 PM
In Topic: Colouring!
19 January 2016 - 04:39 PM
In Topic: Hi!
16 January 2016 - 10:01 AM
Welcome Gigi!
Sounds like you've come to the right place.
What do you like to do outside of Minecraft? Hobbies? Job? School?
Tell us all!
In Topic: Colouring!
15 January 2016 - 06:49 PM
Whooooooooa! Now that is cool!
In Topic: Builds of the crippled knee variety...
14 January 2016 - 04:21 PM
New build for 2016...
Wow looks great so far! You're working fast!
- SixtyGig - The Minecraft server for mature gamers.
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: LadyEh
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