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Member Since 04 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 08 2014 01:41 AM

Topics I've Started

Justice for Chaco

08 June 2014 - 01:39 AM

Hello fellow SGers. You may have heard that in late April the panhandle of Florida received quite the beating from a strong storm cell. The Seacrest Wolf Preserve was hit hard; the storm caused a dam to break and the water leveled fences and ruined many of the enclosures. As if the devastation of the storm wasn't enough the preserve suffered another blow days later, one beyond what money can measure. An incredibly rare British Colombian wolf named Chaco escaped his enclosure and took to the woods, and though the owner of the preserve, Cynthia, was able to find him with the help of a tracker the oral sedatives were not enough to get him into a crate to be transported home. She requested the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for the aid of a tranquilizer gun. Instead, the FWC brought a small army for the task. Cynthia heard some laughing, saying they were going to shoot Chaco down, but she was reassured that the FWC would work with her to bring Chaco home alive. However, when they located the wolf north of the preserve they told the owner to head south, where they said he had been spotted, before proceeding with the shoot to kill order that had, in fact, been given at the beginning.  


I've volunteered at this preserve several times and the cruel execution of this animal is infuriating. Not once have I felt threatened by any of the animals, who are socialized from the time they are ten days old, and the British Colombian wolves in particular are my favorites. They always come to the fence for affection when the tours pass through the grey wolf enclosures. There is a much more detailed account of the events leading up to Chaco's death on the petition page. If you have a moment I would be very grateful if you visited it (if you fill out the petition it will ask for a donation to the site, but you don't have to donate for your petition to be submitted). Or, if you prefer, here is a video of the damage and an account from the owner herself of the events that took place.



Thank you lovely people for taking the time to read through all of this, I wish I could hug you but the best I can do is this cookie.  :cookie_32px:

Morning Drawfee

20 April 2014 - 12:12 AM

I just found this channel on youtube and it brightened my night so much I thought I'd share. Please forgive the unfortunate channel name, they know not of the war that rages here. 


Without further ado...Morgan Freeman as a Dragon:


The Most Beautiful Places You've Ever Been

30 March 2014 - 08:41 PM

Today my Dad and I were discussing ideas for our next road trip. In an effort to see more of the United States, several years ago we took a spontaneous trip out west. Our first stop was San Antonio, TX (the River Walk was gorgeous), then we traveled to the Gila Cliff Dwellings, Carlsbad Caverns, The Petrified Forest, Meteor Crater, and then our last stop was the Grand Canyon, which we sadly didn't spend much time enjoying before we turned around for the 24hr drive home. It was certainly the trip of a lifetime, and seeing the land morph between swamps, plains, mountains, and badlands made it all the more incredible. We drove through a creepy abandoned town in Texas, saw wind turbines on top of hills and a wildfire in the distance, and nearly hit an elk leaving the Grand Canyon. I would say that just driving through the countryside was the most beautiful thing, the destinations were simply a huge bonus.


So how about all of you? I would love to hear about the places you've experienced, whether it's across the world or in your backyard. :)

Petition to Turn Off Fire Spread

25 March 2014 - 02:23 PM

SG6's natural monsoon-like state has caused lightning damage to become quite the issue. I haven't had much trouble with it (yet), but I know many of you have, and some have had quite extensive damage.



I'm not sure what could be done, other than fire spread being turned off. I know that takes a vanilla element away from the game, but personally I'm not too thrilled with the threat of my house catching on fire every fifteen minutes. Is this a reasonable solution, or is there a better way to approach it? 

Which one is it?

05 March 2014 - 10:43 PM

So, I've been trying to figure this out since I started playing over a year ago. I've always thought it was the goatee but...if he's smiling then I'm thoroughly terrified.

