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Member Since 25 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 12 2013 10:12 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Application of Short_John

10 October 2013 - 10:17 AM

Du wirschs nid glaube, aber du bisch nid de einzig Schwizer do! ;-)

Guet z wüsse!

Hoffentlech chumeni witer.


(for all those who don't understand this: stophix was glad to see another swiss person, and I'm too : )  )

In Topic: Application of Short_John

28 September 2013 - 02:50 AM

Hmmmm Bavarian cream-filled Long John...

I just googled it...

Now I understand...

Send to where?

I may not guarantee for a fresh arrival though. ;)


(btw, why do you have to scroll through like eight pages of "smileys", that are just icons of objects and blocks of Minecraft, before you get to the "real" smileys? Ray? Are you in charge of this? ;) )

In Topic: Application of Short_John

27 September 2013 - 03:47 AM

I want to know what you did to Tall_John!!!!  :P

I thought more of Long John, but Tall john is fine.


Probably cut off his legs.

Nice try!


No, in my childhood, I always was the smallest in class. Like Always. :(  By like ten centimeters smaller than the next one.

I got the late maturing genes of both parts of my parents.


(I probably sholdn't say that in an application to "a server for mature gamers", right?)


And so I thought, since that is a part of myself, that doesn't tell too much about my real self (because of internet and such), I'd choose it as my web-name.


Btw, now I am of "normal" size, to quote mi doctor.

In Topic: Oldest thing you own

25 September 2013 - 05:10 PM

Therefore, after much thought, the oldest thing I own is my 26 year old husband. 

That made me laugh :D


The oldest thing I own...


Do memories count?


If not, then it'll probably beee.... let me seeee....


Since I still live with my parents, I guess the oldes thing (that I own and could be found after Searching for about an afternoon on the attic) would be some School books where I handwrote in (with an awfull andwriting btw. ;) ). About nine years old.


It sounds like nothing, but if you get your hands on these, when you're fifty, they're true treasures. (Especially since you can tell how much worse or better your handwriting got in the last fourty years ;) )

In Topic: Real World topography comes to Minecraft

25 September 2013 - 04:55 PM

Well, this is interesting, even if just to get a grip of basic geographical features of GB.

Still, if I tried to download it, I would have to wait for at least 12 hours. My PC is that sh*t.

Meh, on a second thought, I'l still try it, to heck that it could give up half way throughand I'd have to restart.