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Member Since 25 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 12 2013 10:12 AM

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Application of Short_John

25 September 2013 - 11:52 AM

Since apparently every new application follows the 'Rules' of srm86:


IGN: Obviously: 'Short_John'

RL-Name: John, Johnny, Jonatan - all goes. One exeption: Jonathan (Yes, I'm spelled without 'h'). The 'short' is a story that I shall tell you if it interests someone in particular.

Age: 19; Birthday on 8.9.1994

Minecraft experience: I've been on a hacked account for a long time (I confess, Pastor), but when with 1.6 they introduced the new launcher, and my version had stopped updating after 1.5.2 and I really wantet to try out horses I thought to myself what a wonderful world... Jus kidding. I thougt to myself: Well it's worth spending these 20 swiss Francs (more to that in the section Background) for supporting mojang ad being able to play with horses immediately.

To my gameplay: I'd call myself a wimp a rather cautious player, not going to risk my ten hearts by running through an unnknown area by night.

Now I've had my fun with horses, and are ready for a new challenge! *stretching with fist into air victoriously*

Background: I'm from Switzerland. *astonished gasps from the spectators* Yes, there's a thing called Switzerland in central Europe. It's a tiny little splat of land in the middle of some mountains. They make the best choclate in the world. Their chees is also known. The economy.....

Oh, right I should talk about me, right?

OK, then. I'm 19, got aut of school this summer and started working as a thing that's called a 'clerical' - at least in the american space.

I grew up in Africa (I was born in Switzerland, and my parents are both Europeans - if that has anything to do with the cause), where my parents worked analysing a Language.

I'm excited to know People from all over the world to speak in different languages. I am proud of being able to say about myself that I grew up trilingual (if that doesn't make sence to anybody: 'using three languages'): German at home, French on the Streets of where we were and English in the office, where  my parents worked.

By reading over previous posts, I already saw that, there are some français dans l'audience. (...french people in the audience).I hope to also learn to know people who speak other languages.

I apply to the SixtyGig server - which will (if God gives his OK) be the first server to play on - because... well I saw in the minecraft launcher using the SixtyGig-Textu Ressourcepack the line: 'There's also a server! sixtygig.com'. So I came here to see that Rayvolution has opened a server. What I read about it, made me want to join. I've heard of how douchebaggy (is that how you spell it?) some most Minecraft servers are, so I now try to start off with a good expirience.


And a point to make my application stick out of the mass of others

Hobbies:Reading (mainly fantasy, like LotR, Narnia and others) with my favorite author being Markus Heitz, a german writer. Also: 'A midnight stroll on a summer eve is the best thing to keep the mind alive' is a thing for me; and obviously:Minecraft (and other PC-games)


God, reviewing this makes it look so much like a Job application, so... serious. Well, it's that I learned in school, and since you never are done with learning, I am glad to recieve constructive criticism about a application.


I'd be grately thankfull for the ability ot one moth of testing in the limbo (mark your goals at a reasonnable height)


yours sicerely,

