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Member Since 07 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 20 2014 07:05 PM

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In Topic: The CTRL+V Game

15 January 2014 - 06:20 PM



A couple pages out of my history textbook :P

In Topic: Items do you want or need, but they don't exist?

10 January 2014 - 08:16 AM

I think Obsidian swords would be cool because of the actual history of obsidian blades.  They were used in religious sacrifices in many post and pre-classic civilizations.  Obviously, sacrificing is a horrible thing, and I'm not saying that should be added.  But I do think it would be kind of neat to trap a hostile mob (ex. a spider) and "sacrifice" it.  I think this would add something cool to the game.

In Topic: Sparkyo19's Application

10 January 2014 - 08:04 AM

Great job on the application there Sparky, I wish you luck on getting accepted and I hope to see you around on the forum!

Thanks Pi, I read your app and it looks good, too! Best of luck to you aswell.

In Topic: Sparkyo19's Application

09 January 2014 - 09:23 PM

I was the complete opposite! I was great at English. I could right essays with my eyes closed. Usually started them the night before they were due and finished them up in homeroom the next day. But I always got A's and B's. It was Honors English too. Math was always a weakness. Damn fractions get me every time. When I got to college I somehow managed an A in College Algebra but got a D in Business Calculus. That's when my math career ended.

Good Luck!   



Oh, how I wish I could write essays.  The only reason I'm able to do well on essays is because I always go in and get help from the teacher. But, yeah, somehow I scrape by in Honors English.  One thing I do enjoy in English class is poetry.  I love it because it relates to me and writing music. Occasionally, I'll write a song and it's exactly like writing a poem because, well, they are poems. I can't write a good persuasive/argumentative essay to save my life, but I sure love to write poems (And at least tell myself I'm good at it). ;)

In Topic: Sparkyo19's Application

08 January 2014 - 06:10 PM



Eww, math? You had a good application up until that part. ;) I enjoyed choir when I was younger, but I was never brave enough to sing out. Did much better with a hunk of brass in front of my face! :P


Haha, I like math because it's one of the only subjects where the answers are actually, well, answers.  In history and english, there's tons of writing and other things where there can be many different answers.  Two people could write completely different essays and both end up with A's.  That's part of the reason why I like math over other subjects. :P


Also, I'm still building my bravery up to sing loud.  I'm one of the softer singers in the choir, but I think being with other people helps me a lot. If you were to put me up by myself, I probably wouldn't sing or speak a word no matter how convincing others were.