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Member Since 07 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 20 2014 07:05 PM

Topics I've Started

Favorite Classic Video Game

07 January 2014 - 09:10 PM

What's your favorite old video game? 


Mine would be the original Kingdom Hearts.  But that's kinda modern, so if I had to choose a truly old game, I would probably go with Galaga. :P


How you define "classic" is up to you! Anything works really

Sparkyo19's Application

07 January 2014 - 01:13 PM

In Game Name: sparkyo19


Real Name/Preferred Name: Conor


Age: 15.  I know 18+ is the suggested age, but I believe I am mature enough.


Previous Minecraft experience: I've been playing for about 1 and a half years.  The thing I like to do most in minecraft is build useful things, rather than just aesthetic things.  For example, I love building huge automatic farms for both food and mobs.  Another thing I enjoy is talking to people on minecraft servers.  I go looking at servers from time to time, but 99% have a bad community, causing me to not play again.  That's why I am applying for this server, because I believe it will have an awesome community. :)


Your background:  I actually found this server through Rayvolution's profile page on Minecraft Forums.  We're both moderators over there, and when I first saw him, I checked out his profile page and saw this website. Now I'm here writing this application. 


Now on to a little about me: I love music, and I play guitar and piano.  I also sing in the choir at my school.  My favorite genre is Country, my favorite artist being Tim McGraw.  I also like Soft Rock, and my favorite artist of that is John Mayer. I really love his last two albums, Born and Raised and Paradise Valley.  Another thing I really like is sports.  I play football and baseball for my school.  In football, I am a fullback and an outside linebacker.  In baseball, I am a pitcher, and I will sometimes fill in at first base or the outfield when it's needed.


In school, my favorite subject is math.  I've always enjoyed it and had a knack for it.  I'm in Algebra II right now, and I'm enjoying it a lot.  After math, I would probably say Choir is my next favorite.  As I said above, I love to sing.


One thing I really enjoy is participating in civilized discussions.  I say civilized because I've gotten into discussions with some people, and the moment they start throwing out insults, I usually back out.  That's another reason why I want to join this server, because I feel like the people will be mature, unlike a lot of servers where I hear "your gay" every two seconds (yes, I know it's "you're" :P ).


That's all I have really.  Thanks for reading, and I apologize if the writing is choppy.  I'm not the best writer.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

