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Member Since 04 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 11 2014 12:06 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Favorite Song?

04 January 2014 - 05:34 PM

So this is a song made famous by Malvina Reynolds.

It is the intro song for the well know TV-show "Weeds"

And they tend to have diffrent artists make their version of the song for the intro.

This version is made by Rise Against, a rock/metal band.


Anyways, I hope you listen to it :)




In Topic: The mindset of a griefer/hacker

04 January 2014 - 05:24 PM

Well, I've witnessed quite alot of grief while playing Minecraft, aswell as other games.

But what I have come to learn is that there is no specific type of person who likes to grief, hack, cheat or steal. Most people have done something they shouldn't have. But why we do it is a hard question,

I think there are many reasons;


Some might just do it for the thrill and the "high" of doing something they shouldn't, this most likely affect the most of us.

Who havn't stolen a candy bar as a kid or just played the game of Ding dong ditching or what ever you call it.

But these people normally are the younger and newer people of a game, seeing from my experience.


Others might do it out of jealousy. "My friend made this really nice house and all I have is this 4x4 dirt house".


You got the group of people that do it to show off for their friends.


You have the lazy people who don't bother grinding so he puts on a bot or uses x-ray mods.


But then you have the people that I don't understand, the people who use spambots and people who just want (as some other guy said;) to watch the world burn.

The thing they have in common is that they have no "real purpuse" to do mean and nasty stuff other then to make people angry and ruin for them.

I like to refer to them as the "Reveiwers from Planetminecraft". The ones that most likely will ask for OP on your server and tear the whole thing down.

If anyone can explain these people to me then it would be much appreciated.


- Elm