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Member Since 04 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 11 2014 12:06 PM

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Elmpark's application

04 January 2014 - 12:55 PM

In Game Name: Elmpark


Name: Frank


Age: 20


Nationality: Norwegian


Note: English is not main language so please don't be angry if I spelled something wrong, I did my best :)


About me: As stated above; My name is Frank, I am 20 years old and live in Norway. I work as a carpenter.

I have always been fascinated and interested in computers and videogames.

When i first buildt my own computer I was 11 years old. At that time i used it to play Counter Strike (Witch I still play if anyone are intrested in playing with me).

Later I found this game called World of Warcraft, not sure if you have heared of it.. Anyways, it was a very fun game that I used to play for many years but eventualy quit. After a break from gaming for a year, a friend of mine introduced me to Minecraft. At first sight I though it was a joke, how could playing a 16-bit game with no goal be fun? But I tried it out and was amazed by how fun it was.



Me and Minecraft: So since then I have been playing on different servers with diffrent people, and had lots of fun.

Most servers I had to leave due to incompetent admins and moderators.

Then I found a perfect little server that seemed very promissing, I started playing and had lots of fun, I made alot of new friends and climb the ranks of the server and eventually became a moderator my self. I had great fun, I made friends, we sat on ventrilo and talked most of the time, and played minecraft. But after a while the game got frustrating, I was tired of logging in and all I saw was a bunch of whining little kids about how Joe was mean to John and how Katie had stolen a diamond from Johnny.

So eventualy I just had to stop playing the game, because it wasn't fun anymore.

I took a break for a year, and when I came back the server was gone.

So here I am, hoping to join your server.


Why do I want to play in this server?

Well, I am tired of whining little kids and immature admins and moderators.

I also don't just want to play the game with some random people, I want to get to know you guys and join a community.

I am not the best builder and I don't like to build mega buildings that is naked on the inside, I like to build cosy wooden houses with charm and thought.




That's alitle bit of me, if there is something you feel I left out or think I should mention then please let me know.


- Frank / Elm