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Member Since 10 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 23 2014 05:40 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: What is your favorite dinner recipe..

21 November 2014 - 07:27 AM

It's hard to say, but I'll go with Fettuccine Alfredo.

The recipe I use is one my grandpa got in vagas at some poker tournament. The exception being I usually use powdered parmesan, which means i use less of it. (Powdered parmesan is stronger than shredded parmesan.)

The recipe calls for:

1lb of Fettuccine pasta (even though the recipe says Fettucini :P)

1 cup of butter

freshly ground black pepper

1 teaspoon of salt

1 2/3 cup of light cream (I use half and half)

1/2 lb of parmesan cheese (I usually use about a cup of powdered parmesan)


To make it is pretty simple:

1. Cook the noodles in 3 quarts (Who here ever measures how much water you're boiling? I don't unless its for soup or ramen. :P) 3 quarts of boiling, salted water (I usually don't use salt in my water, It doesn't really seem to speed up boiling that much) for 5-6 mins. Drain and place in dry pan.

2. Gently heat the noodles. Toss them gently while adding butter and grinding pepper over them. (I usually put the butter in the pan before putting the noodles in, now that I think of it it probably doesn't help anything. :P)

3. Add cream allowing to heat thoroughly, tossing once or twice, until most of the cream has been absorbed.

4. Add the parmesan cheese. Heat, still tossing gently for two to three minutes until the noodles are evenly coated with melted cheese. (Sometimes I also add some shredded cheese so It has that stringy melted cheese texture, as powdered cheese just absorbs more sauce without melting in the same way.)

5. Serve immediately. (Who would wait a second anyways? :P)


I have once or twice used the salt and added it with the pepper, but I never measure it. :P I do it because when I first tried it everyone in my family thought I did something really different and that it tasted a lot better. I couldn't really tell a difference. XD

Also since I have a big family (big family as in a mom, dad, three sisters and a brother.) I usually either double the recipe, or multiply it by 1 and 1/2. (One batch is only 4 servings)

In Topic: Feedback - Slot Machine Design/Implementation

12 September 2014 - 04:38 PM

As far as the system itself... I don't see any flaws in it. Though I also don't think I understand how it works. :P Are you making it command block free?


As for the payment, I think that could be based on the theme. For instance, if it is made a villager, emerald currency could be used. (I personally like the idea of using emeralds simply because usually no one has too many of them, and if they have many at all they might not have a use for them.)


Where it is and what it is disguised on also depends on the theme. If you want it like a Vegas casino, then a desert would probably be best, but one in the middle of the desert so it is farther away from other biomes.


As for prizes, it really depends on how rare things are. If something could be really rare you could use a nether star as the rarest prize.

In Topic: Pecola1's Application Form

07 September 2014 - 10:22 AM

Pecola1 what other servers have you played on?


Your name is familiar 

You name is a bit familiar... not sure if it's just because I read your application or what. :P I've recently been playing on Tyken 132's server. In the past I've played on SafeHaven... I had a couple of other small servers which I dont remember the name of. :P Wait... were you at Mineathon? That might be where I saw you if you were...

In Topic: Minecraft user names

06 September 2014 - 04:14 PM

Mine was the product of about 30 attempts at making one :P It stuck.

They are all taken.

Lol... If I ever have to go past making a 1 at the end of my username I just choose a different name... XD




Btw. Did wordly walker just become a vet? If so congratz on being on so long! (However long that is :P)

In Topic: Two truths and a lie

04 September 2014 - 04:05 PM

The third one was a truth....

Or is that statement a lie? :o