Member Since 26 Jun 2014Offline Last Active Jul 24 2016 10:30 PM
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Currently in California with only my phone. I'll be back home in August. I found a 1953 7Up soda bottle while kayaking yesterday.

It was full of brown bubbly shmeg that smelled really bad. So to answer your question, maybe?
Jul 24 2015 04:50 PM -

I built a computer! His name is Alfred! He was a pain in the arse last night! Woohoo! :)

He's actually doing pretty good. I can run Dota 2 on the best graphic settings with no issues. The game is so pretty!
Feb 16 2015 09:25 AM

I also just got my first job working at a nursery! (Plants, not babies) And Dota 2 update! Today is a good day! :)

Thanks to Merry, I've gone full spinach! Its even got the rainbow! :)

I would of said something but I had expected the hotel we were staying at to have useable internet. I was wrong. :(
Jul 22 2014 12:11 AM