It actually is crazy awesome for a survival game apparently. It's still pretty buggy. I didn't play it, zombies are not my thing. But you can sneak by them in Day Z by crawling, it works pretty well from the videos. Some people still get found out and chewed on. You can swim in Day Z. You can break your own legs with a door (sorta a bug when closing things.) If you lose too much blood you will start to black out, but someone can come and transfuse you. It's easier to find supplies, but they are client spawned so people client spawn a huge amount with hacks. This should be fixed in the standalone. You can booby trap. You can build a vehicle and drive it around.
Oddly enough one of the Day Z devs got arrested for spying. You can google it, but short version, they were out in another country when he saw a military complex that he wanted to add to DayZ, so he took a few pictures, and got thrown in prison. He's released and back now.
But let me find the Day Z stand alone Dev video...
Member Since 12 Oct 2011Offline Last Active Mar 16 2013 04:36 AM