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Member Since 26 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 09 2013 10:31 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: ||||||||||||||| SixtyGig player tracker for February 2012 |||||||||||||||

22 February 2012 - 07:14 PM

I'm here! I've unfortunately gotten wrapped up in writing my thesis so I haven't been able to log in this month, but I swear I'm here haha. Thanks Ray!

In Topic: ||||||||||||||| SixtyGig player tracker for January 2012 |||||||||||||||

03 January 2012 - 10:14 PM

I'm here!

In Topic: Idea for a building contest.

27 December 2011 - 06:08 PM

Building competitions sounds awesome!

I am looking forward to it!

In Topic: What shall we Rebirth?

19 December 2011 - 07:11 PM

Hey James, looks like you're right. I literally haven't seen you on at all. But I did see your house take shape a couple weeks ago.

Anyways, tomorrow I turn in my last paper (thank goodness) and am looking forward to spending some more time on the server. I am still really interested in making our zone look awesome by the first Friday of January. I've talked to some of the veterans, and they all agree that we might have a tough time making a carnival due to how much wool it would require and the time limitations. If you guys are still down for the carnival, i suppose we could all make a giant sheep breeding area outside and spend a week collecting mass amounts of wool.

Alternatively, we could go a different route. Here are some other projects I was thinking about.

One that I'd really like to work on is a lighthouse out in the ocean of our zone. I put a little dirt patch out there where I want to start working on it. If anyone wants to join me on that, let me know. It's going to have an elevator inside, so get excited!

The other project I'm less attached to, but it's feasible given how much wood I have. I basically went OCD on an abandoned mineshaft and collected a ton of wood from it. I also have a few full stacks of bones, which would make a lot of bonemeal. So I was thinking we could make a thick forest around the spawn castle and create a city built in the trees. It'd consist of a lot of wood walkways and whatnot. Anyways, it's just an idea, and like I said, I'm not crazy attached to it, so I'm down for anything.

Let me know what you guys are thinking about, and also let me know if you're interested in helping out with the lighthouse.

Alright, I'm going to finish this paper. I'll return to the server tomorrow :)


In Topic: Your Redneck Stories

19 December 2011 - 06:52 PM

Lol, this is amazing. Love that your redneck story involves a walmart. I'll have to ponder upon my own experiences and get back to you.