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Member Since 26 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 09 2013 10:31 AM

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Tell me about yourself!

26 November 2011 - 08:25 PM

Hey guys!

I just submitted an application and am crossing my fingers I'll get some vouches. While I'm waiting, I thought it'd be a good time to get to know some of you guys and really see what I've signed myself up for haha. So I'd love it if you guys would maybe respond to this with a short blurb about yourself. Also, feel free to ask me any questions! I'm an open book and love getting to know new people.

Looking forward to talking to everyone!

Phil (aka - LordHalfTruth)

LordHalfTruth's Application

26 November 2011 - 08:20 PM

My IGN - LordHalfTruth

Age - 21

Location - Washington, D.C.

Why I want to join - I was first drawn to SixtyGig because it promised an environment without little kids who flooded the chat screen with spam while griefing the server. Of course, there are plenty of servers which offer that experience, but SixtyGig stood out for me! The level of organization on this server is astounding; and the idea of a Limbo which transitions you into your own assigned zone for building is exciting because it gives everyone a trial period in order to figure out if this server is really for them or not. That means that by the time I start on my zone, I would know for certain that the people in the server are people I'm comfortable playing with, and more importantly, people that I WANT to play with. I'm looking for a server which is going to take my Minecraft experience to the next level; a place where I can actually make friends; and somewhere that is going to keep me coming back. After a lot of time searching through forums and server sites, I think that SixtyGig may be the ONLY place I'm going to get that. Hope I can get a chance to know you guys better!

Phil (aka, LordHalfTruth)

How I found SixtyGig - I've been playing Minecraft for a year now, but mostly single-player. I keep trying to join an SMP server, but the flood of immature kids griefing and spamming would cause me to build elaborate underground bases and avoid making conversation. It basically meant I was playing single-player on SMP, which was dumb, so then I'd switch servers and start the process over again. Finally, I started searching google for more mature servers. I think my exact google search was, "Minecraft server adult" (I know, I'm very skilled with Google).

I know this isn't part of the standard application format, but I thought I'd include a little "About Me" section.

About Me:

I'm Phil, a 21 year old student in Washington, D.C. I'm about to finish up my semester and will have a lot of free time over the winter break as well as during my second semester as I've already landed a job for when I graduate (woot woot!). I've been an avid gamer my whole life, and enjoy a lot of different style of games. Right now, I'm a huge fan of the entire Assassin's Creed series, Minecraft (obviously), and NHL '10 (I'm also a huge hockey fan!). Outside of gaming, I love to sail and travel when I can afford it. Unfortunately for the latter, that's never... But I did study abroad in London for a year, and while there I had the chance to travel to some great places such as Egypt, Norway, Paris, Spain, etc. I also lived in Italy for my last two years of high school, so I actually have gotten to see some cool places. I love to chat and make jokes; and I'm going to start a new topic where hopefully I can get to know some of you guys better and truly confirm that SixtyGig is the right place for me. See you there!