I'm feeling this wave of nostalgia It got me thinking about what my favorite version of SG was. I thought others my enjoy looking back on the SG's of yesteryear.
Of the ones I have participated in, I'd have to say SG6 was my favorite. I mean, that rail system was f'ing awesome. It is certainly the one I enjoyed building in the most because there were so many options for different building projects.
- SixtyGig - The Minecraft server for mature gamers.
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: GreenishTroll
About Me
I think what I like most about Minecraft is that you can change the play to match your mood. If you feel like something mindless that you can just relax with you can go mining and just dig for hours. If you feel like something more intellectually challenging you can play with redstone circuits. If you feel more energetic and aggressive you can go fight mobs. My favorite things to do in the game are mining and building castles and fortresses. That is easy to tell from what I build. I like to build structures as they might have been built in real life, making use of the existing terrain, building defenses such as murder holes and towers overlooking the gates. I tend to build simply, and large, without a lot of adornment and furniture (perhaps because I lack artistic talent : ) )
So I go with the troll persona and it works well for me in Minecraft. I dabble a bit in redstone, but tend to not get too complex. I really like boats and railways, I just wish they would be improved in the game to make them more useful.
In real life I am a project manager for a company that delivers and customizes electronic lab notebooks to companies for recording their research and capturing intellectual property. It is chemistry based and allows for entry and searching of chemical structures. I have a PhD in chemistry, but I got out of the lab immediately after grad school and have been in chemistry related software jobs ever since.
So I go with the troll persona and it works well for me in Minecraft. I dabble a bit in redstone, but tend to not get too complex. I really like boats and railways, I just wish they would be improved in the game to make them more useful.
In real life I am a project manager for a company that delivers and customizes electronic lab notebooks to companies for recording their research and capturing intellectual property. It is chemistry based and allows for entry and searching of chemical structures. I have a PhD in chemistry, but I got out of the lab immediately after grad school and have been in chemistry related software jobs ever since.
Community Stats
- Group Seasoned
- Active Posts 599
- Profile Views 14,744
- Member Title Wooden Axe
- Age 64 years old
- Birthday December 2, 1959
New Jersey
Hiking, camping, canoeing, yoga, meditation, beer
Topics I've Started
Favorite SG?
11 March 2016 - 09:04 PM
Southwest Portal Death Trap
10 December 2015 - 08:38 PM
Dropped into the SW Portal for the first time and promptly suffocated. Came back naked, found most of my stuff. minus some really bling diamond legging and boots, sigh.
This portal had a solid wall of stone on the back side. Is that a good idea for a portal? Has everyone who used it so far just been lucky. I went through from Central the right way.
I mined out the back wall a few blocks so hopefully it won't happen again.
- SixtyGig - The Minecraft server for mature gamers.
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: GreenishTroll
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