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Member Since 15 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 16 2014 06:40 PM

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Athaza's Application

15 November 2013 - 08:23 PM

Must refrain from centering the whole application :c...


IGN: Athazaichuro


Preferred Name: For now, let's just stick with Athaza. Later on, if I am accepted and inevitably become more familiar with the community, then we can introduce real names. 


Age: Although I do not see the importance of physical age, it's seemingly significant on here. I am fourteen years old. 


Previous MC Experience: I have been playing Minecraft avidly since about 1.7.3 beta. I started out playing Faction servers with friends. Later, roleplaying servers caught my interest. This is the first "whitelisted and mature" server I have even attempted. I've only been dedicated to Hardcore Faction and Roleplay servers. I enjoy building, and am only skilled in intricacy. As silly as it may sound, I enjoy PVPing quite a bit (Yes, I realize the rules about PVP on here), and am quite skilled in doing so. Also, if it counts, I do fancy making Minecraft skins.


Your Background: Clearly, I am a fourteen year-old female, and a freshmen in high school. I enjoy roleplaying (been doing it for years, both forum and server), which is probably evident by now. I love to read and write as well, preferring dystopian books. As for music, I prefer really any of the main genres, excluding country and electronic. I honestly don't care, if the lyrics have some kind of deep or inspirational meaning. This typically applies to rap songs and metal, which is why I enjoy those genres, too. As for fandoms and whatnot, I read Homestuck, and watch Doctor Who/Supernatural. 


As for my personality, I'm quite kind, however horribly passive. My passivity is actually due to the fact that I have social anxiety, I believe (which isn't nearly as bad online, at least not to the point where I don't engage in conversation with strangers). I joke around, but know the line between joking and offending. I rarely instigate arguments, despite being the sarcastic, stubborn smartass that I am. I'm a rather religious Christian, however I respect that everyone has their own religion, therefore I do not refer to it unless it's appropriate to the conversation. When first joining a community, I'm typically quiet until I get the hang of how things work and how everyone acts. Once I warm up to a community, though, I'm quite open and relaxed. 


Hmm, I believe that's about it. /endbio.


I realize you guys aren't currently accepting applications, but I am willing to wait. And I totally didn't steal the format from thisthread~